Library fl.GLL.GLL
Require Import List.
Require Import cfg.Definitions cfg.Derivation int.Intersection.
(* Require Import AUT.misc. *)
Module GLLMain.
Import Base Definitions Derivation Intersection.
(* TODO: del this *)
(* TODO: import from AUT *)
Section FA.
Variable char: finType.
Require Import cfg.Definitions cfg.Derivation int.Intersection.
(* Require Import AUT.misc. *)
Module GLLMain.
Import Base Definitions Derivation Intersection.
(* TODO: del this *)
(* TODO: import from AUT *)
Section FA.
Variable char: finType.
Type of input sequences
(* Definition word := misc.word char. *)
Deterministic finite automata.
The type of deterministic finite automata.
Record dfa : Type :=
dfa_state :> finType;
dfa_s: dfa_state;
dfa_fin: pred dfa_state;
dfa_step: dfa_state → char → dfa_state
dfa_state :> finType;
dfa_s: dfa_state;
dfa_fin: pred dfa_state;
dfa_step: dfa_state → char → dfa_state
Acceptance on DFAs
Assume some automaton
We define a run of w on the automaton A
to be the list of states x_1 .. x_|w|
traversed when following the edges labeled
w_1 .. w_|w| starting in x.
(* Fixpoint dfa_run' (x: A) (w: word) : seq A :=
match w with
| [::] => [::]
| a::w => (dfa_step A x a) ::dfa_run' (dfa_step A x a) w
(** A simplifying function for a "aux2" run
(i.e. starting at s). **)
Definition dfa_run := [fun w => dfa_run' (dfa_s A) w].
(** Acceptance of w in x is defined as
finality of the last state of a run of w on A
starting in x. **)
Fixpoint dfa_accept x w :=
match w with
| [::] => dfa_fin A x
| a::w => dfa_accept (dfa_step A x a) w
Lemma dfa_accept_cons x a w:
a::w \in dfa_accept x = (w \in dfa_accept (dfa_step A x a)).
Proof. by rewrite -simpl_predE /=. Qed.
(** We define the language of the deterministic
automaton, i.e. acceptance in the starting state. **)
Definition dfa_lang := [pred w | dfa_accept (dfa_s A) w].
(** take lemma. **)
Lemma dfa_run'_take x w n: take n (dfa_run' x w) = dfa_run' x (take n w).
Proof. elim: w x n => [|a w IHw] x n //.
case: n => [|n] //=. by rewrite IHw.
(** rcons and cat lemmas. **)
Lemma dfa_run'_cat x w1 w2 :
dfa_run' x (w1 ++ w2) = dfa_run' x w1 ++ dfa_run' (last x (dfa_run' x w1)) w2.
Proof. elim: w1 w2 x => [|a w1 IHw1] w2 x //.
simpl. by rewrite IHw1.
(* slightly altered acceptance statement. *)
Lemma dfa_run_accept x w: last x (dfa_run' x w) \in dfa_fin A = (w \in dfa_accept x).
Proof. elim: w x => [|a w IHw] x //. by rewrite /= IHw. Qed. *)
End Acceptance.
End DFA.
End FA.
Section Definitions.
Context {Tt Vt: eqType}.
Inductive Grammar_Slot: Type := Sl: @var Vt → @phrase Tt Vt × @phrase Tt Vt → Grammar_Slot.
Notation "x ::= y ∙ z" := (Sl x (y, z)) (at level 95, no associativity).
Definition to_slot rule :=
let '(R v rhs) := rule in Sl v (nil, rhs).
Definition next_slot slot :=
match slot with
| v ::= l ∙ [] ⇒ Sl v (l, []) (* fix *)
| Sl v (l, r::rs) ⇒ Sl v (l ++ [r], rs)
Section MakingEqType.
Section EqTer.
Fixpoint eqter (t1 t2: @ter Tt) :=
match t1, t2 with
| T x1, T x2 ⇒ x1 == x2
Lemma eqterP: Equality.axiom eqter.
Canonical ter_eqMixin := EqMixin eqterP.
Canonical ter_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType ter ter_eqMixin.
End EqTer.
Section EqVar.
Fixpoint eqvar (v1 v2: @var Vt) :=
match v1, v2 with
| V x1, V x2 ⇒ x1 == x2
Lemma eqvarP: Equality.axiom eqvar.
Canonical var_eqMixin := EqMixin eqvarP.
Canonical var_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType var var_eqMixin.
End EqVar.
Section EqSymbol.
Fixpoint eqsymbol (s1 s2: @symbol Tt Vt) :=
match s1, s2 with
| Ts t1, Ts t2 ⇒ t1 == t2
| Vs v1, Vs v2 ⇒ v1 == v2
| _, _ ⇒ false
Lemma eqsymbolP: Equality.axiom eqsymbol.
Canonical symbol_eqMixin := EqMixin eqsymbolP.
Canonical symbol_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType symbol symbol_eqMixin.
End EqSymbol.
Section EqGrammarSlot.
Fixpoint eqGrammarSlot (gs1 gs2: Grammar_Slot) :=
match gs1, gs2 with
| Sl v1 (ph11,ph12), Sl v2 (ph21,ph22) ⇒ (v1 == v2) && (ph11 == ph21) && (ph12 == ph22)
Lemma eqGrammarSlotP: Equality.axiom eqGrammarSlot.
Canonical grammar_slot_eqMixin := EqMixin eqGrammarSlotP.
Canonical grammar_slot_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType Grammar_Slot grammar_slot_eqMixin.
End EqGrammarSlot.
End MakingEqType.
Let ter := @ter Tt.
Let var := @var Vt.
Let symbol := @symbol Tt Vt.
Let rule := @rule Tt Vt.
Let grammar := @grammar Tt Vt.
Variable G: grammar.
(* None for now. *)
Definition SPPF: Type := option bool.
Let Temp: SPPF := None.
(* TODO: comment *)
Definition Position: Type := nat.
(* TODO: comment *)
(* TODO: better structure *)
Definition GSS_Node: Type := (var × Position).
Definition GSS_Edge: Type := (GSS_Node × (Grammar_Slot × Position) × GSS_Node).
Definition GSS: Type := (list GSS_Node × seq GSS_Edge).
(* TODO: comment *)
Definition Descriptor: Type := (Grammar_Slot × GSS_Node × Position).
(* Temp *)
(* Definition getNodeP: (Grammar_Slot * SPPF * SPPF) -> SPPF := fun _ => None. *)
(* Definition getNodeT *)
(* TODO: comment *)
Definition Pending_Descriptors: Type := seq Descriptor.
Definition Created_Descriptors: Type := seq Descriptor.
Definition Pop_Calls: Type := seq (GSS_Node × Position).
Let State: Type := (Pending_Descriptors × Pop_Calls × Created_Descriptors × GSS).
Section Add.
Section Definitions.
(* *)
Definition add (state: State) (d: Descriptor): State :=
let '(Rs, P, U, GSS) := state in
if (d \in U) then state else (Rs ++ [d], P, d::U, GSS).
End Definitions.
Section Lemmas.
Variable R: Pending_Descriptors.
Variable P: Pop_Calls.
Variable U: Created_Descriptors.
Variable GSS: GSS.
Let state := (R,P,U,GSS).
Hypothesis H_R_is_a_set: uniq R.
Hypothesis H_U_is_a_set: uniq U.
Lemma remains_uniq:
∀ d,
let '(nR,_,nU,_) := add state d in
uniq nR ∧ uniq nU.
End Lemmas.
End Add.
(* TODO: comment *)
Section GetAllPairs.
Variable pairs: Pop_Calls.
Variable u: GSS_Node.
Definition get_all_pairs :=
[seq pair <- pairs | let '(node,_) := pair in node == u].
End GetAllPairs.
Section GetAllAlternatives.
Variable state: State.
Variable v: var.
Definition get_all_alternatives :=
[seq rule <- G | let 'R lhs _ := rule in lhs == v].
Definition add_all_descriptors node pos :=
foldl (
fun st rule ⇒
add st (to_slot rule, node, pos)
) state (get_all_alternatives).
End GetAllAlternatives.
Let R: Pending_Descriptors := nil.
Let P: Pop_Calls := nil.
Let U: Created_Descriptors := nil.
Section Create.
Definition create (state: State) (d: Descriptor) (nt: var): ( State) :=
let '(L,u,i) := d in
let '(R, P, U, (GSSN, GSSE)) := state in
let v := (nt,i) in
let newState :=
if v \in GSSN then
if ~~ ((v,(L,i),u) \in GSSE) then
let GSSE := ((v,(L,i),u)::GSSE) in
foldl (
fun st pair ⇒
let '(u,z) := pair in
add st (L,v,i)
) (R,P,U,(GSSN,GSSE)) (get_all_pairs P u)
else state
let GSSN: list GSS_Node := v::GSSN in
let GSSE: list GSS_Edge := (v,(L,i),u)::GSSE in
add_all_descriptors (R,P,U,(GSSN,GSSE)) nt v i in
add_all_descriptors newState nt (nt, i) i.
End Create.
Section GetAllEdges.
Variable gss: GSS.
Variable gss_node: GSS_Node.
Definition get_all_edges :=
let '(_, gss_es) := gss in
[seq edge <- gss_es | let '(from, (_, _), _) := edge in from == gss_node].
End GetAllEdges.
Section Pop.
Definition pop (state: State) (d: Descriptor): State :=
let '(_,u,i) := d in
let '(R, P, U, GSS) := state in
if ~~ ((u,i) \in P) then
let P := (u,i)::P in
foldl (
fun st edge ⇒
let '(_,(L,w),v) := edge in
add st (L,v,i)
) (R,P,U,GSS) (get_all_edges GSS u)
End Pop.
Definition is_nth_equal_to (T: eqType) (string: seq T) (n: nat) (c: T) :=
if nth_error string n is Some s then c == s else false.
Definition term_slot (state: State) (D: Descriptor) (word: list ter) (t: ter): State :=
let '(L,cu,ci) := D in
if is_nth_equal_to word ci t then
add state (next_slot L, cu, ci + 1)
else state.
Definition nonterm_slot (state: State) (D: Descriptor) (nt: var): State :=
let '(L,cu,ci) := D in
create state (next_slot L,cu,ci) nt.
Definition do_very_important_stuff word (state: State) (D: Descriptor): State :=
let '(L,cu,ci) := D in
match L with
| v ::= _ ∙ [] ⇒ pop state D
| v ::= _ ∙ (Ts t::rs) ⇒ term_slot state D word t
| v ::= _ ∙ (Vs nt::rs) ⇒ nonterm_slot state D nt
Fixpoint parse_iter
(n: nat)
(st: var)
(string: list ter)
(state: State)
: option bool :=
let '(R, P, U, GSS) := state in
match n, R with
| 0, _ ⇒ None
| S n, [] ⇒ Some (
has (fun p ⇒
let '(var, s, f) := p in
(st == var) && (s == 0) && (length string == f))
| S n, d::R ⇒ parse_iter n st string (do_very_important_stuff string (R,P,U,GSS) d)
Definition parse_gll st n string :=
let start_node := (st, 0) in
n st string
(add_all_descriptors ([::],nil,nil,([start_node],nil)) st start_node 0).
End Definitions.
Section Lemmas.
Context {T V: eqType}.
Variable (G: @grammar T V) (A: @var V).
Variable string: @phrase T V.
(* Complexity of alg *)
Variable f: @grammar T V → @phrase T V → nat.
(* Theorem correctness_of_gll:
language G A string <-> parse_gll G A (f G string) (to_word string).
(* We have to do so many things to get it *)
Admitted. *)
End Lemmas.
Section Examples.
Section SimpleGrammar.
Let a := T 1.
Let A := V 1.
Let G: grammar :=
R A [Ts a; Ts a; Ts a];
R A [Ts a; Ts a; Ts a; Ts a]
Goal ∀ n, n ≥ 10 → parse_gll G A n [a;a] = Some false.
Goal ∀ n, n ≥ 10 → parse_gll G A n [a;a;a;a] = Some true.
Goal ∀ n, n ≥ 10 → parse_gll G A n [a;a;a;a;a;a;a] = Some false.
End SimpleGrammar.
Section ABCGrammar.
Let a := T 1.
Let b := T 2.
Let A := V 1.
Let B := V 2.
Let C := V 3.
Let G: grammar :=
R A [Vs B; Vs B; Vs B];
R B [Vs C; Vs C];
R C [Ts a];
R C [Ts b]
Goal ∀ n, n ≥ 100 → parse_gll G A n [a;a;a;a;a;a] = Some true.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
by done.
End ABCGrammar.
Section BracketsGrammar.
Let l := T 1.
Let r := T 2.
Let S := V 1.
Let G: grammar :=
R S [Vs S; Vs S];
R S [Ts l; Vs S; Ts r];
R S [Ts l; Ts r]
Goal ∀ n, n ≥ 100 → parse_gll G S n [l;l;r;l;r;r] = Some true.
(* destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
by done.
Qed. *)
End BracketsGrammar.
(* TODO: name *)
Section Grammar_name.
Let a := T 1.
Let A := V 1.
Let G: @grammar nat nat :=
R A [Vs A; Vs A; Vs A];
R A [Vs A; Vs A];
R A [Vs A];
R A [Ts a]
Goal ∀ n, n ≥ 200 → parse_gll G A n [a;a;a;a] = Some true.
End Grammar_name.
Section Grammar_Fig1_Izmaylova.
Let a := T 1.
Let b := T 2.
Let c := T 3.
Let A := V 1.
Let G: @grammar nat nat :=
R A [Ts a; Vs A; Ts b];
R A [Ts a; Vs A; Ts c];
R A [Ts a]
Goal ∀ n, n ≥ 100 → parse_gll G A n [a;a;c] = Some true.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
by done.
Qed. *)
End Grammar_Fig1_Izmaylova.
End Examples.
End GLLMain.
match w with
| [::] => [::]
| a::w => (dfa_step A x a) ::dfa_run' (dfa_step A x a) w
(** A simplifying function for a "aux2" run
(i.e. starting at s). **)
Definition dfa_run := [fun w => dfa_run' (dfa_s A) w].
(** Acceptance of w in x is defined as
finality of the last state of a run of w on A
starting in x. **)
Fixpoint dfa_accept x w :=
match w with
| [::] => dfa_fin A x
| a::w => dfa_accept (dfa_step A x a) w
Lemma dfa_accept_cons x a w:
a::w \in dfa_accept x = (w \in dfa_accept (dfa_step A x a)).
Proof. by rewrite -simpl_predE /=. Qed.
(** We define the language of the deterministic
automaton, i.e. acceptance in the starting state. **)
Definition dfa_lang := [pred w | dfa_accept (dfa_s A) w].
(** take lemma. **)
Lemma dfa_run'_take x w n: take n (dfa_run' x w) = dfa_run' x (take n w).
Proof. elim: w x n => [|a w IHw] x n //.
case: n => [|n] //=. by rewrite IHw.
(** rcons and cat lemmas. **)
Lemma dfa_run'_cat x w1 w2 :
dfa_run' x (w1 ++ w2) = dfa_run' x w1 ++ dfa_run' (last x (dfa_run' x w1)) w2.
Proof. elim: w1 w2 x => [|a w1 IHw1] w2 x //.
simpl. by rewrite IHw1.
(* slightly altered acceptance statement. *)
Lemma dfa_run_accept x w: last x (dfa_run' x w) \in dfa_fin A = (w \in dfa_accept x).
Proof. elim: w x => [|a w IHw] x //. by rewrite /= IHw. Qed. *)
End Acceptance.
End DFA.
End FA.
Section Definitions.
Context {Tt Vt: eqType}.
Inductive Grammar_Slot: Type := Sl: @var Vt → @phrase Tt Vt × @phrase Tt Vt → Grammar_Slot.
Notation "x ::= y ∙ z" := (Sl x (y, z)) (at level 95, no associativity).
Definition to_slot rule :=
let '(R v rhs) := rule in Sl v (nil, rhs).
Definition next_slot slot :=
match slot with
| v ::= l ∙ [] ⇒ Sl v (l, []) (* fix *)
| Sl v (l, r::rs) ⇒ Sl v (l ++ [r], rs)
Section MakingEqType.
Section EqTer.
Fixpoint eqter (t1 t2: @ter Tt) :=
match t1, t2 with
| T x1, T x2 ⇒ x1 == x2
Lemma eqterP: Equality.axiom eqter.
Canonical ter_eqMixin := EqMixin eqterP.
Canonical ter_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType ter ter_eqMixin.
End EqTer.
Section EqVar.
Fixpoint eqvar (v1 v2: @var Vt) :=
match v1, v2 with
| V x1, V x2 ⇒ x1 == x2
Lemma eqvarP: Equality.axiom eqvar.
Canonical var_eqMixin := EqMixin eqvarP.
Canonical var_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType var var_eqMixin.
End EqVar.
Section EqSymbol.
Fixpoint eqsymbol (s1 s2: @symbol Tt Vt) :=
match s1, s2 with
| Ts t1, Ts t2 ⇒ t1 == t2
| Vs v1, Vs v2 ⇒ v1 == v2
| _, _ ⇒ false
Lemma eqsymbolP: Equality.axiom eqsymbol.
Canonical symbol_eqMixin := EqMixin eqsymbolP.
Canonical symbol_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType symbol symbol_eqMixin.
End EqSymbol.
Section EqGrammarSlot.
Fixpoint eqGrammarSlot (gs1 gs2: Grammar_Slot) :=
match gs1, gs2 with
| Sl v1 (ph11,ph12), Sl v2 (ph21,ph22) ⇒ (v1 == v2) && (ph11 == ph21) && (ph12 == ph22)
Lemma eqGrammarSlotP: Equality.axiom eqGrammarSlot.
Canonical grammar_slot_eqMixin := EqMixin eqGrammarSlotP.
Canonical grammar_slot_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType Grammar_Slot grammar_slot_eqMixin.
End EqGrammarSlot.
End MakingEqType.
Let ter := @ter Tt.
Let var := @var Vt.
Let symbol := @symbol Tt Vt.
Let rule := @rule Tt Vt.
Let grammar := @grammar Tt Vt.
Variable G: grammar.
(* None for now. *)
Definition SPPF: Type := option bool.
Let Temp: SPPF := None.
(* TODO: comment *)
Definition Position: Type := nat.
(* TODO: comment *)
(* TODO: better structure *)
Definition GSS_Node: Type := (var × Position).
Definition GSS_Edge: Type := (GSS_Node × (Grammar_Slot × Position) × GSS_Node).
Definition GSS: Type := (list GSS_Node × seq GSS_Edge).
(* TODO: comment *)
Definition Descriptor: Type := (Grammar_Slot × GSS_Node × Position).
(* Temp *)
(* Definition getNodeP: (Grammar_Slot * SPPF * SPPF) -> SPPF := fun _ => None. *)
(* Definition getNodeT *)
(* TODO: comment *)
Definition Pending_Descriptors: Type := seq Descriptor.
Definition Created_Descriptors: Type := seq Descriptor.
Definition Pop_Calls: Type := seq (GSS_Node × Position).
Let State: Type := (Pending_Descriptors × Pop_Calls × Created_Descriptors × GSS).
Section Add.
Section Definitions.
(* *)
Definition add (state: State) (d: Descriptor): State :=
let '(Rs, P, U, GSS) := state in
if (d \in U) then state else (Rs ++ [d], P, d::U, GSS).
End Definitions.
Section Lemmas.
Variable R: Pending_Descriptors.
Variable P: Pop_Calls.
Variable U: Created_Descriptors.
Variable GSS: GSS.
Let state := (R,P,U,GSS).
Hypothesis H_R_is_a_set: uniq R.
Hypothesis H_U_is_a_set: uniq U.
Lemma remains_uniq:
∀ d,
let '(nR,_,nU,_) := add state d in
uniq nR ∧ uniq nU.
End Lemmas.
End Add.
(* TODO: comment *)
Section GetAllPairs.
Variable pairs: Pop_Calls.
Variable u: GSS_Node.
Definition get_all_pairs :=
[seq pair <- pairs | let '(node,_) := pair in node == u].
End GetAllPairs.
Section GetAllAlternatives.
Variable state: State.
Variable v: var.
Definition get_all_alternatives :=
[seq rule <- G | let 'R lhs _ := rule in lhs == v].
Definition add_all_descriptors node pos :=
foldl (
fun st rule ⇒
add st (to_slot rule, node, pos)
) state (get_all_alternatives).
End GetAllAlternatives.
Let R: Pending_Descriptors := nil.
Let P: Pop_Calls := nil.
Let U: Created_Descriptors := nil.
Section Create.
Definition create (state: State) (d: Descriptor) (nt: var): ( State) :=
let '(L,u,i) := d in
let '(R, P, U, (GSSN, GSSE)) := state in
let v := (nt,i) in
let newState :=
if v \in GSSN then
if ~~ ((v,(L,i),u) \in GSSE) then
let GSSE := ((v,(L,i),u)::GSSE) in
foldl (
fun st pair ⇒
let '(u,z) := pair in
add st (L,v,i)
) (R,P,U,(GSSN,GSSE)) (get_all_pairs P u)
else state
let GSSN: list GSS_Node := v::GSSN in
let GSSE: list GSS_Edge := (v,(L,i),u)::GSSE in
add_all_descriptors (R,P,U,(GSSN,GSSE)) nt v i in
add_all_descriptors newState nt (nt, i) i.
End Create.
Section GetAllEdges.
Variable gss: GSS.
Variable gss_node: GSS_Node.
Definition get_all_edges :=
let '(_, gss_es) := gss in
[seq edge <- gss_es | let '(from, (_, _), _) := edge in from == gss_node].
End GetAllEdges.
Section Pop.
Definition pop (state: State) (d: Descriptor): State :=
let '(_,u,i) := d in
let '(R, P, U, GSS) := state in
if ~~ ((u,i) \in P) then
let P := (u,i)::P in
foldl (
fun st edge ⇒
let '(_,(L,w),v) := edge in
add st (L,v,i)
) (R,P,U,GSS) (get_all_edges GSS u)
End Pop.
Definition is_nth_equal_to (T: eqType) (string: seq T) (n: nat) (c: T) :=
if nth_error string n is Some s then c == s else false.
Definition term_slot (state: State) (D: Descriptor) (word: list ter) (t: ter): State :=
let '(L,cu,ci) := D in
if is_nth_equal_to word ci t then
add state (next_slot L, cu, ci + 1)
else state.
Definition nonterm_slot (state: State) (D: Descriptor) (nt: var): State :=
let '(L,cu,ci) := D in
create state (next_slot L,cu,ci) nt.
Definition do_very_important_stuff word (state: State) (D: Descriptor): State :=
let '(L,cu,ci) := D in
match L with
| v ::= _ ∙ [] ⇒ pop state D
| v ::= _ ∙ (Ts t::rs) ⇒ term_slot state D word t
| v ::= _ ∙ (Vs nt::rs) ⇒ nonterm_slot state D nt
Fixpoint parse_iter
(n: nat)
(st: var)
(string: list ter)
(state: State)
: option bool :=
let '(R, P, U, GSS) := state in
match n, R with
| 0, _ ⇒ None
| S n, [] ⇒ Some (
has (fun p ⇒
let '(var, s, f) := p in
(st == var) && (s == 0) && (length string == f))
| S n, d::R ⇒ parse_iter n st string (do_very_important_stuff string (R,P,U,GSS) d)
Definition parse_gll st n string :=
let start_node := (st, 0) in
n st string
(add_all_descriptors ([::],nil,nil,([start_node],nil)) st start_node 0).
End Definitions.
Section Lemmas.
Context {T V: eqType}.
Variable (G: @grammar T V) (A: @var V).
Variable string: @phrase T V.
(* Complexity of alg *)
Variable f: @grammar T V → @phrase T V → nat.
(* Theorem correctness_of_gll:
language G A string <-> parse_gll G A (f G string) (to_word string).
(* We have to do so many things to get it *)
Admitted. *)
End Lemmas.
Section Examples.
Section SimpleGrammar.
Let a := T 1.
Let A := V 1.
Let G: grammar :=
R A [Ts a; Ts a; Ts a];
R A [Ts a; Ts a; Ts a; Ts a]
Goal ∀ n, n ≥ 10 → parse_gll G A n [a;a] = Some false.
Goal ∀ n, n ≥ 10 → parse_gll G A n [a;a;a;a] = Some true.
Goal ∀ n, n ≥ 10 → parse_gll G A n [a;a;a;a;a;a;a] = Some false.
End SimpleGrammar.
Section ABCGrammar.
Let a := T 1.
Let b := T 2.
Let A := V 1.
Let B := V 2.
Let C := V 3.
Let G: grammar :=
R A [Vs B; Vs B; Vs B];
R B [Vs C; Vs C];
R C [Ts a];
R C [Ts b]
Goal ∀ n, n ≥ 100 → parse_gll G A n [a;a;a;a;a;a] = Some true.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
by done.
End ABCGrammar.
Section BracketsGrammar.
Let l := T 1.
Let r := T 2.
Let S := V 1.
Let G: grammar :=
R S [Vs S; Vs S];
R S [Ts l; Vs S; Ts r];
R S [Ts l; Ts r]
Goal ∀ n, n ≥ 100 → parse_gll G S n [l;l;r;l;r;r] = Some true.
(* destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
by done.
Qed. *)
End BracketsGrammar.
(* TODO: name *)
Section Grammar_name.
Let a := T 1.
Let A := V 1.
Let G: @grammar nat nat :=
R A [Vs A; Vs A; Vs A];
R A [Vs A; Vs A];
R A [Vs A];
R A [Ts a]
Goal ∀ n, n ≥ 200 → parse_gll G A n [a;a;a;a] = Some true.
End Grammar_name.
Section Grammar_Fig1_Izmaylova.
Let a := T 1.
Let b := T 2.
Let c := T 3.
Let A := V 1.
Let G: @grammar nat nat :=
R A [Ts a; Vs A; Ts b];
R A [Ts a; Vs A; Ts c];
R A [Ts a]
Goal ∀ n, n ≥ 100 → parse_gll G A n [a;a;c] = Some true.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; [inversion H | ]; rewrite /add_all_descriptors ?add0n ?addn1; simpl.
by done.
Qed. *)
End Grammar_Fig1_Izmaylova.
End Examples.
End GLLMain.